Wednesday, April 29, 2009

BlogReaders, How To Do Cardio Properly While Bodybuilding

Hi BlogReaders,

If you have ever wasted (I mean spent) any sort of time on a bodybuilding forum than you have seen the countless posts on, "Should I do cardio if I am trying to build muscle?"

The (silly) debate will never end and typically results in you destroying your frame - that once had potential - by attempting to bulk up but getting fat instead.

Look at cardio as a tool to help you get muscular without getting fat and a pot belly at the same time. Bulking up does NOT have to equal getting fat.

Watch this 4 minute video that teaches how I incorporate cardio into a muscle building routine and address this confusion

The main reason I addressed this issue is because I'm sick and tired of you completely losing your waist line, getting a double chin and gaining weight that only makes you look "bulky" and not ripped and muscular because you listened to someone who told you to not do cardio if you want to
build muscle.

Your waist line will thank you for watching this video

Live to love and love to live,

Vince DelMonte
Author, No Nonsense Muscle Building
Author, Your Six Pack Quest
Contributor to Mens Fitness Magazine
Advisory Team, Maximum Fitness Magazine

P.S. Want to be the next biggest gainer? Want to read my embarrassing but true story of how I gained 41 pounds of muscle in 6 months? Enjoy :)

DelMonte Fitness Services
587 Upper Horning Rd
Ontario L9C 7P8
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