Wednesday, April 29, 2009

BlogReaders, you NEED this more than you think


If you were smart, you got in on my buddy Joel's offer at yesterday while the fast action bonuses were still around.

If, however, you were one of the people who emailed me saying that you don't think you need a "thin" program because you are trying to gain muscle (or if you're someone who is thinking along those lines), then let me tell you why you are straight up WRONG.

And before I even go on, forgive me if any of this comes across as being blunt, but I gotta say what needs to be said.

A lot of you are carrying WAY too much body fat. Yeah, you want to gain muscle, but guess what? You're never going to be "ripped" with all that flab covering your abs and chest. Sorry. At most, you'll just be a "bigger" guy, and frankly, there's nothing eye-popping or jaw-dropping about that.

If you're truly looking to build a world-class physique, then here's my suggestion to you:

If you can't currently see your abs, then you NEED to get rid of the flab FIRST, and for one major reason: The leaner you are, the easier it is to put on muscle mass.

Perhaps the most anabolic of all hormones is insulin, and as you get leaner, your sensitivity to insulin skyrockets. I mean, through the ROOF. This means massive gains in muscle mass when you start lean, and the best part: you have ABS to show off while you're packing on slabs of muscle.

So for those of you who think you don't need a "thin" product, think again. This program is the real deal, and I would be emailing you about it if it wasn't.

Do you want to experience the fastest fat loss possible while eating your favorite foods? Joel's system shows you how, and for now, it's priced at a ridiculous less than half price offer.

Believe it or not, I actually called him yesterday because I thought the price was a joke. No, seriously, that's the God's honest truth. But apparently, it's for real. When I asked him why he's giving away so much value for next to nothing, he told me that he's just trying to help as many people as possible and doesn't want price to be an issue.

THAT'S the kind of guy Joel is, and that is the kind of guy you want to do business with.

So, I'm going to give you the special link to get Joel's entire system at less than half price now; you'd be smart to click on it.


Stay strong,

Vince DelMonte
Author, No Nonsense Muscle Building
Author, Your Six Pack Quest
Contributor to Men's Fitness Magazine
Advisory Team, Maximum Fitness Magazine
Honors Kinesiology Degree

Your Six Pack Quest
587 Upper Horning Road
Ontario L9C 7P8
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