Friday, May 15, 2009

What is the best way to build muscle fast.

How to Build Flat Hard 6 Pack Abs in Your KitchenBuild Muscle Fast - Which Foods Build Muscle?
By Blake Johnson

Building muscle fast involves both a bodybuilding diet and a workout routine that is effective. But how do you ensure good results? See there are several tips you need to know. Let's go through some tips here that will help you out with your bodybuilding efforts.

1. Start with your workout, and your appetite will adjust itself

To lose fat and build muscle fast, you simply need to increase your energy output through workouts and as a result, you will naturally eat the amount you need. Most people eat the same amount or even more when they start working out. But their higher metabolism means they burn fat and gain muscle, which means visible results.

2. Increase your weights

The best natural bodybuilding worjout or routine really involves tricking your body into creating more muscle than it strictly needs. The simplest way to start the deception is to lift heavier weights. You can increase the rate at which you bulk up by following a 4-6 week schedule during which you rapidly increase the heaviness of the weights you use. You needn't aim for massive weights. It's sufficient that your muscles feel exhausted at the end of each session. This means even more muscle gain and even more fat loss.

3. A healthy diet to help recovery

Diet is an essential ingredient of your campaign to build muscle fast and get a six pack abs. You will need to consume sufficient antioxidants. This means fruits, vegetables, green powder drinks and even vitamin supplements. So in short, this means no junk food. Switch to healthy food instead and you will not only look better, you'll feel better as well.

4. Eat the foods that build muscle

The foods that help muscle gain include 1) lean proteins such as fish, chicken, lean beef, eggs, and yoghurt 2) the good oils such as omega 3 fatty acids and olive oil and avocados and 3) low GI carbs such as multigrain bread (instead of white), Basmati rice and green leafy vegetables

5. Eat 6 smaller meals a day

Instead of having 3 big meals, have 6 smaller meals, 3 hours apart. This has been proven to result in more muscle gain, less fat and much higher metabolism. So have regular meals, and no more skipping breakfast! Following this simple step is very valuable.

Increasing your muscle mass is not that difficult surprisingly. If your goal is to build your muscle, and build it fast, just study and follow these tips. All of this only takes a little dedication and a little knowledge of your anatomy, so what are you waiting for? A great body can be achieved and when you see the results, you will no longer need motivation to keep going!

Want to build muscle mass, burn fat and get ripped? Then use the natural bodybuilding routine that works. See this review of the natural bodybuilding programs by Blake Johnson to have you bulking up and getting results with your training. Which workouts work? See this review right here.

Article Source:

Vince DelMonte's Muscle Building Tips and Six Pack Secrets