You may have heard of this "little known" trick for maximum muscular development but you have have not applied it properly or you may have not heard of it at all...
It's called a "tempo."
A tempo is the rate that you move the weights. You might move your weights "slow and controlled" or you might move them "fast and aggressively." Both speeds of lifting have different results on your muscle fibers and rate of development.
To be honest, if you have been training longer than 4 years and really in tune with your body and how your muscles "need" to feel to make gains then you might NOT need this lesson for today. If not, keep reading...
Incorporating a tempo into your workouts is one of the simplest and most powerful tools to ensure you are INVESTING time at the gym rather than SPENDING time at the gym!
Click here to see how this little known trick can speed of your gains:
Your friend and coach,
Vince DelMonte
Author, No Nonsense Muscle Building
Author, Your Six Pack Quest
Contributor to Men's Fitness Magazine
Advisory Team, Maximum Fitness Magazine
P.S. You may have seen Dave's before and after pics on my website but I wanted to share his recent update with you on email. Dave is man over the age of 40 kicking butt with my program!
"I had been working out for a 12 month period prior to Vince's program with very little results.
I thought I was working hard but I only put on about 1/4 inch to my bicep in a year... I had been usually a skeptic, but for some reason told myself this is possible and I can do this.
After just 12 weeks, I have put on 1 inch on my biceps, 2 inches on thighs, 2 inches on chest, 2.25 inches on shoulders, 0.75 inches on calves.
... I feel more confident and I've gone from 168 lbs, tried to bulk to 200 lbs and have slimmed down to 188 lbs - 20 lbs so far! Thank you so much, your program is awesome, I would highly recommend it to anyone."
Dave Lutes
Englewood, ON
P.S. Read success stories from men and women from all over the world (over 120 countries) are living in the body of their dreams:
DelMonte Fitness Services
587 Upper Horning Rd
Ontario L9C 7P8
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