Sunday, April 26, 2009

BlogReaders, 5 Body Weight Training Exercises For Muscle Gain

Hi BlogReaders,

Body weight training can be used for strength training, building muscle or getting six-pack abs. I am going to show you a body weight training program that involves minimal equipment and consistent progress to build a first-rate body.

If you think body weight training is under rated when it comes to building muscle then I suggest you give it a second chance after watching this body weight training program.

FYI, performing 50 reps on the chin ups and pull ups is extremely advanced. I have done 50 pull ups and 50 chin ups in 4 mini-sets (about 30-60 sec rest) and that is STILL very challenging. The name of the game, when it comes time to building new head turning muscle is PROGRESS.

Focusing on increasing reps or doing the same number of reps in less time is an easy way to monitor progress for a body weight training routine.

If you need something new and are getting bored then try out this 5 exercise body weight training program, when you hit the gym tonight or tomorrow, which will test your muscular endurance, conditioning and mental toughness.

Click here to watch the body weight training workout

Focus on adding, no matter your age or sex, at least 1-2 reps each workout. You can incorporate this body weight training program into your routine a few ways:

-> Perform this workout 3x a week but switch up the order of exercises each workout.

-> You can pick the exercise you are weakest on and perform it at the start of your current workout.

-> You can do 1 set to failure on each of these exercises upon waking up or going to bed each day.

Be creative and stick to which ever routine you choose for at least 6-weeks to see optimal results.

Don't forget, if you want to LOOK fit you have to GET fit and body weight training does a tremendous job of getting you fit. It's worth it (especially when you start getting compliments from your friends)!

Train hard and expect success,

Vince DelMonte
Author, No Nonsense Muscle Building
Author, Your Six Pack Quest
Contributor to Men's Fitness Magazine
Advisory Team, Maximum Fitness Magazine

P.S. Ready to advance up from body weight training? Read this free article on the best weight training exercises:

DelMonte Fitness Services
587 Upper Horning Rd
Ontario L9C 7P8
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