Tuesday, April 21, 2009

BlogReaders, Avoid The Top 3 Muscle Gaining ENEMIES

Hey Scrawny! Yeah, I am talking to you. (Even if you're not scrawny, there is some valuable info in here for you to be careful of).

Do you even know what you're up against?

(Read more if you wish to offer your two cents on this heated subject: http://getresponse.com/click.html?x=a62a&lc=Xz6o&mc=3&s=HjYph&y=X&

Are you aware that no gives a flying rip about you? Tell someone that you are trying to gain weight and build some muscle and they'll roll their eyes and walk away - they don't want to hear it Skinny.

Now if you had a weight loss problem, that's a completely different story especially if you live in North America. You can choose from a buffet of weight loss options: books, diets, self-appointed fitness gurus with their TV and radio shows who claim that they have the solution to your problems.

But if you're known as Tooth Pick or Bean Pole, you're out of luck my friend. No one could give two hoots about your cursed skinny genetics. I discovered this when I was 22 and went looking for someone to rescue me from my world of skinniness. I went searching for a muscle building savior but only found enemies coming to me in sheep's clothing but disguised as wolves hungry to devour me.

Here are the top three most cleverly disguised Enemies preventing you from having a first-rate body that demands confidence, attraction and respect..

Enemy #1: The Pro Bodybuilder

You've heard it before, "Train like a bodybuilder to become a bodybuilder..."

This is the message screamed by everyone in the bodybuilding world and on the surface sounds perfectly logical. However, messages like this mislead millions of sheep with irresponsible training nonsense that will wreak havoc on your body.

The truth is that imitating the training of champion bodybuilders is one of the most costly frauds in the exercise world! Because the instruction from elite bodybuilders has no practical relevance for average people like you and me.

People who are without gifted genetic potential, and don't want syringe scars in our butts. Not only is this training advice useless, but it will cause over-training, injuries and illness.

The magazines who share the pro bodybuilders workouts will not tell you that drugs and genetics were responsible for curing their problem of being a hardgainer. They claim it's the supplements and "better training." Give me a break!

Enemy #2: The Muscle Rags aka Bodybuilding Magazines

You've heard this before, "If you want to increase your strength and have spectacular muscle growth, just follow the magazines..."

Every bodybuilding magazine claims they have the answers. But in fact, they would prefer to keep the real answers from you. From some nonsense I've seen I am lead to believe it is their job to keep the real answers from you!

If you've followed this prophets advice to gain weight, build muscle and increase strength then you already know that you're guaranteed only one thing. 6 months from today, you will look just like you do now! And you'll be pissed off. Not only will you build no muscle by following the sheep, but you will create muscular losses – fast. And you will become weaker! Can you honestly say that your strength has increased incrementally over the years?

The Truth is that almost every single one of the training schedules in muscle magazines is outright hogwash. The authors fail to discuss two of the most critical components in exercise – one is good and one is bad:

"Intensity of effort" is good - Anything that greatly increases the intensity of exercise will greatly improve it.

"Amount of exercise" is bad – It is the amount of exercise that exhausts your recovery ability and makes growth impossible. It can even create a loss in your hard earned muscle size and strength.

Enemy #3: The Supplement Mafia

You've heard this a million times, "The body of your dreams is locked inside this liquid... this powder... or these pills."

According to the "experts" reviewing products in magazines, the latest scam – ah... I mean supplement is "the one" that's going to perform magic on your body.

It's "the one that is designed especially for guys like you. There's only one problem. This new supplement designed just for you, has the same crap in it that the last supplement had in it. These "experts" are nothing more than pumped up salesmen. And how do you know when a salesman is lying to you? His lips are moving! Ask yourself this: Did the last product you were sold deliver what it promised? I already know the answer. You're here, aren't you?

The Truth is that every major fitness magazine is owned and operated by a supplement company. The bulk of their income doesn't come from magazine subscriptions or newsstand sales, but from the pills and powders they use to pump cash out of your pocket. Let me repeat that again... The bulk of their money is made by selling you crap! And here is the kicker...Supplement companies actually give out false training information on purpose!

Let me be more specific...

The majority of the bodybuilding information written by "the experts" is complete and total nonsense designed to make you fail, so that you'll continue to rely on their products for results.

Results that will never come!

How much faith would you have in a restaurant review if it was written by that restaurant's chef? Supplement companies are the chef... the waiter... the busboy and the owner.

Don't believe me? You can look it up, just like I did.

* Iron Man is owned by Muscle Linc.
* Muscle Media was formerly owned by EAS.
* Muscular Development is owned by TwinLab.
* Status is owned by Magnum Nutraceuticals

And the big daddy of them all. The Grand Poobah... The Trump of Fitness... Weider Enterprises owns pretty much everything else!

* Muscle And Fitness
* Muscle And Fitness Hers
* Flex
* And More...

Basically...the guys who give glowing reviews about crap... work for the companies who make the crap! And get this - Weider Publications is now owned by the same people who own the National Enquirer and Star! Let that sink in for a moment.

My Passion For The Hardgainer...

I have a real soft spot for you if you struggle to build muscle. Not only does no one care about you but the people who do appear to have your best interests at heart are snakes and thieves (not all of them but many - I am talking on extremes right now to hammer my point home if you can't tell).

I posted a video here for you to watch called The Ugly Truth Of The Bodybuilding Magazines which tells a story about my friend Tom who gets lead astray by a pro bodybuilder we'll name Mr. X. It's a sad but true story... I really hope you don't experience the same devastating out come Tom did...

Go to my blog http://getresponse.com/click.html?x=a62a&lc=Xz6w&mc=3&s=HjYph&y=Q& to view the video.

When you're done watching, post your comments and I have a specific question I want you to answer - it's on my blog and your turn to vent.

Talk soon,

Vince DelMonte
Author, No Nonsense Muscle Building
Author, Your Six Pack Quest
Advisory Team, Maximum Fitness Magazine
Contributor to Men's Fitness Magazine
Honors Kinesiology

P.S. Read more about how I help you combat the enemies at

DelMonte Fitness Services
587 Upper Horning Rd
Ontario L9C 7P8
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